7 years ago


I have an issue with the Field X with File Upload as the field to duplicate.

The first issue is that I cannot get docx files to upload. I have tried going to the media manager configuration page and adding docx,DOCX to the list of Legal Extensions (File Types). In fact I have tried various combinations of putting it in the different places on this page and also tried adding the application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document to the legal MIMEs

Despite all of this I continue to get Illegal Extension

The second issue is that I cannot get the uploaded files to display in the content apart from the first file. If I upload multiple files I get a link to the first file and then the rest only show as an empty <li> tag.

My File Upload is set to no storage and the Field X is set to Custom / Article / file_upload

It seems like it is working as all the files appear int he correct folder in the Media Manager, but only the first one displays, despite their being the correct number of <li> tags for all of the files.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.


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1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


Just confirming your storage:

Field to Repeat:









custom || article || fieldx_name[field_name]

7 years ago
Level 2


Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.

Field names are "file_upload" for the field to repeat and "file_upload_repeat" for the Field X.

I have just set the storage on the Field X to:

Custom || Article || file_upload_repeat[file_upload]

There is no storage on the field to repeat.

I tested it and it still didn't work. HTML Output shows first <li> with <a> for file, all following <li> tags are empty.

The files are still available in the media manager however. Just not displayed at the front end.

Thanks for your help so far.


7 years ago
Level 3

UPDATE: regarding the issue with uploading docx files: I can upload docx happily in the media manager, but when I try to upload it through the SEBLOD file upload field that is when it says it is an illegal extension.

7 years ago
Level 4

UPDATE: Sorry, as I wrote that last post it dawned on me. I checked the file_upload field and realised that SEBLOD is not using the standard media manager fields. I set it to Custom and was able to add docx and DOCX to that custom list and it worked.

Now the only issue left is getting all the files to display in the content once the files are uploaded.

Thank you.


1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


Nice work on solving your docx drama.  

Re fieldx, if you post screenshots of db that might help me, but I'm sure Klas could answer this in his sleep, while juggling, in space, drunk!!

Either db isn't storing full fieldx value or getting truncated or the storage is a bit crazy in #__cck_core_fields compared to the content type it relates too, maybe

7 years ago
Level 2


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I am going to have to apologise, I did not set up the Joomla instance and so do not know how to get to the database to give you a screen shot.

I am considering asking for a link to a Google Drive folder instead to get this to work. It might even be better since it will not fill up the Joomla instance with files.

It will make it harder for the end user though.


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Despite some advice on the forum that says otherwise, I have found that only reliable way is to set storage on fieldX/field tor repeat in the following way:

  • FieldX : Custom || Article || file_upload_repeat
  • Field to repeat: Custom || Article || file_upload_repeat[file_upload]

The same with GroupX. 

In theory storage None on field to repeat should work, but it reality it does not work reliably especially in searches/search generic etc.

I suggest you create new field if you cahge storage, changing does not always result in what was intended, Ofcourse you will also need to re-enter data.

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas 

Is that a typo:

  • FieldX : Custom || Article || file_upload_repeat
  • Field to repeat: Custom || Article || file_upload_repeat[file_upload]
The world according to Seblod pre Klas bombshell:
  • FieldX : Custom || Article || file_upload_repeat[file_upload]
  • Field to repeat: Standard || Article || file_upload

7 years ago
Level 1

Thanks to both of you, Klas and Bucklash :)

It works perfectly. I am so grateful that you took the time to help me with this.

You both deserve to have an amazing day today :)

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