20 Posts
11 years ago

Hello everybody,

I'm working with SEBLOD a few weeks now and when it seemed I have everything under control, I've met a problem. I created a content type which pretty much reflects standard Article. However I've added two very important Fields:

  • intro image (field 'Upload - Image'). Image is stored in JSON / Article / images[image_intro]
  • gallery (Field X based on another 'Upload - Image' field, which isn't included in the form itself). Images are stored in Custom / Article / introtext

Intro appears at the beginning of the article, Gallery under the article. The thing is - when I add / edit article in Admin Form and add images to gallery through Field X, it saves only 24 of them. So I guess there must be a 25 file upload limit somewhere (24 pictures in gallery + 1 intro image). While editing I can freely add many new Field X instances (by clicking that green "+" button), but only 24 are being saved. Whenever I try to add more and save, I got message that the article was successfully saved, but still - only 24 files. Even if I upload these 24 files, save all changes and THEN try to add new files - still no luck.

Here's my 'technical' info:

  • Joomla 2.5.11
  • SEBLOD 3.1.3
  • FieldX 'maximum' = 100
  • Debian Squeeze, PHP ver. 5.3.3.-7
  • php.ini: max_input_vars = 5000, memory_limit = 512M, post_max_size = 200M, upload_max_filesize = 200M, max_file_uploads = 200

After 'successful' saving article with more than 24 images in gallery there is no entry in apache error.log.

Any idea where is this limitation, so I can remove it?


Here's some more info, it looks like it may be SEBLOD's bug; I enabled all PHP notices and in error.log found this after trying to save more pics in gallery:

mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 24 in /plugins/cck_field/upload_image/upload_image.php on line 393
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 24 in /plugins/cck_field/upload_image/upload_image.php on line 394
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 24 in /plugins/cck_field/upload_image/upload_image.php on line 395
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 24 in /plugins/cck_field/upload_image/upload_image.php on line 396
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 24 in /plugins/cck_field/upload_image/upload_image.php on line 397

It was 26th photo in the form (1st was intro photo, then 1st photo in gallery has number 0, so 24th photo in gallery is in fact 26th). I tried a few times to add more photos and every time in the log there are these notices regarding 'Undefined offset' from 24 on (for example - if I tried to add 3 photos over that 25 - in error log there were these 5 lines 'Undefined offset:' repeated for 24, 25 and 26).

I hope this helps tracking the problem.
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20 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Please, guys, do you really have no idea what may be going on? I described the situation the best I could. And I'm really stuck. I don't create a commercial webstite or anything - I'm working on public library website to make it easier for publishers. Workers of the library like galleries very much, but they do horrible things when it comes to manual uploading images, downscaling images and placing them in articles. SEBLOD helped me (nearly) do all this hard work for them.

I really tried hard to check all the possibilities - no luck. Even when I manually added "photos that were above the limit" in the content table - still SEBLOD didn't show them. Am I the only person who can't make SEBLOD accept more than 25 images per one article?

Please, help me with this problem... I don't even know what may be the cause. My server? My Joomla installation? SEBLOD itself?

11 years ago
Level 1

I have the same problem. It would be nice to find a solution...

Thanks. Chris.

20 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Well, time passes by, new version of SEBLOD (3.1.4) is out and there and there is STILL nobody with a solution or at least information what's causing this problem.

However I've found a workaround, which is annoying big time, but works. The problem described above occurs while adding photos at the end of the gallery. BUT when you add photos under the first one in the gallery, then save, then order them properly, then save again - voila, you have it.

As I said - it's just workaround, which doesn't solve the problem at all. So... Anyone?

233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello Olek,
sorry, no answer or solution... just wanted to ask you if you have sorted out the issue? Or if it still exists in latest SEBLOD release (currently 3.3.2). Did you open a Tracker issue in Resources section? Maybe a better place to get noticed for technical issues.
20 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
It seems that one of the updates in meantime fixed this. Frankly I've even forgotten about this post, as nearly none of my problems get solved in this forum. Anyway - now I can upload at least 40 images to one article (this is max I've uploaded so far), so will mark this topic as solved.
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Thanks for confirmation. Good to know about it.

(PS: I guess, answers from Seblod-users might get better and more frequently in the future. But it also depends on the forum features itself. It is a good Seblod demonstration by "eating their own dogfood", but also lacks an easy tracking and overview, IMHO.)
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi there,

The problem is not on SEBLOD configuration, is in php.ini.

You need to change some values to increase the maximum number of upload furthermore suggest that increase the maximum size of MB to upload, because if you exceed this limit, you will still not upload all files.

I talk about it here.

I do not know if I will in time to help someone, but at least future doubts arising on this issue can be resolved.



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