11 years ago

I searched the forum but I wasn't lucky.

My problemi is: when I load the site I get this error line (and that's it): Fatal error: Class 'JCck' not found in [...]/plugins/system/cck/cck.php on line 37

In the front page and in the administrator.

The seblod version is 2.x and joomla is 3.1.5 (which updated automatically - I know, bad choice... probably).
It's not a production site, it is a demo and I haven't use it since january (nobody did).
When I need it, last month, I find out the fatal error.

I searched the web, your site, everything but I can't find the solution. Probably updating will solve the problem, but how can I do it if I can't access the administrator panel?

Any idea? I need to use seblod on a big project but if I can't solve this issue it scares me a little... you know... if it happens on a producion site it would be big problem!!

Hope you can help.



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11 years ago
Level 1

That's what I tried, but it's not working right...

Making the site accessible

I renamed the folder cck (under plugin/system ) in cck_out.

Then I create a folder OUT under administrator/modules and moved mod_cck_menu and mod_cck_quickicon in the folder OUT.

Now I could access to the administrator. I went in "Extension manager" and selected "managed" from the left column. I searched for SEBLOD, selected the lines and clicked "Disable".

Now the site worked just fine except for the pages created by seblod naturally.

Updating SEBLOD

I downloaded and installed the last version of SEBLOD

I recieved the following error:  1060 Duplicate column name 'asset_id' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jsm_cck_core_types` ADD `asset_id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `id`;
and couldn't access to the site again.

Following two other errors I tryied to create the table was missing so I went in phpmysql and created the following table: joo_cck_core_objects width the following four columns:
name options component view
and I populated with the following two lines:
1. seblod3 - <empty> - com_cpanel - <empty>
2. seblod3 - <empty> - com_installer - <empty>

Then I went into the "Extension managare - Update", selected SEBLOD 3 and updated.

I erased the "cck_out" and the folder OUT I created at the beginning.

Now the site is up and the extension work partially. My SEBLOD2 application don't work.

For instane, an error I get accessing the App Folder:
Unknown column 'a.home' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.id as id,a.title as title,a.name as name,a.color as color,a.introchar as introchar,a.colorchar as colorchar,a.depth as depth,a.lft as lft,a.rgt as rgt,a.featured as featured,a.home as home,a.published as published,a.checked_out as checked_out,a.checked_out_time as checked_out_time,u.name AS editor FROM `jsm_cck_core_folders` AS a CROSS JOIN jsm_cck_core_folders AS parent LEFT JOIN jsm_users AS u ON u.id = a.checked_out WHERE a.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt GROUP BY a.id

Don't know if help. Any idea?


143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Marc,

Did you ever found a solution as I'm having the same problem:

I tried several times to step from J2.5.19 to J3.2.3 (via installatron, Joomla admin, ..) but to no avail.

Kind regards,
10 years ago
Level 3
Have you tried reupload seblod 3.x libraries ?
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Bernard,
I've never found a solution and moved on.

Hope Codigo hint will help you.

Best regards,
143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Hi Mac and Codigo Aberto,

In http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/general-discussions/joomla-upgrade-jcck-error I posted that I managed to (mini)migrate J2.5.19 to J3.2.3 WITHOUT even altering any Seblod file that I carried with me.

All the problems resided in a faulty Joomla installation (obsolete files & co), a faulty #__menu (in ID 1-200) and non joomla outdated or non compatible plugins (NOT Seblod).

I googled a lot while installing-reinstalling but I did succeed! One of the files playing up is remember.php ect ect Once I got J3.2.3 working, Seblod was just performing fine as if nothing ever happened!!  :-)

Kind regards from a ..
very sleepy Bernard

ps. Always put error reporting via configuration.php on 'maximum' and keep on googling errors .. try, trash, reinstall, try backup , etc etc .. it helps ... eventually
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