That's what I tried, but it's not working right...
Making the site accessible
I renamed the folder cck (under plugin/system ) in cck_out.
Then I create a folder OUT under administrator/modules and moved mod_cck_menu and mod_cck_quickicon in the folder OUT.
Now I could access to the administrator. I went in "Extension manager" and selected "managed" from the left column. I searched for SEBLOD, selected the lines and clicked "Disable".
Now the site worked just fine except for the pages created by seblod naturally.
Updating SEBLOD
I downloaded and installed the last version of SEBLOD
I recieved the following error: 1060 Duplicate
column name 'asset_id' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jsm_cck_core_types` ADD
`asset_id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `id`;
and couldn't access to the site again.
Following two other errors I tryied to create the table was missing so I went in phpmysql and created the following table: joo_cck_core_objects width the following four columns:
name options component view
and I populated with the following two lines:
1. seblod3 - <empty> - com_cpanel - <empty>
2. seblod3 - <empty> - com_installer - <empty>
Then I went into the "Extension managare - Update", selected SEBLOD 3 and updated.
I erased the "cck_out" and the folder OUT I created at the beginning.
Now the site is up and the extension work partially. My SEBLOD2 application don't work.
For instane, an error I get accessing the App Folder:
Unknown column 'a.home' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT as id,a.title as title, as name,a.color as color,a.introchar as introchar,a.colorchar as colorchar,a.depth as depth,a.lft as lft,a.rgt as rgt,a.featured as featured,a.home as home,a.published as published,a.checked_out as checked_out,a.checked_out_time as checked_out_time, AS editor FROM `jsm_cck_core_folders` AS a CROSS JOIN jsm_cck_core_folders AS parent LEFT JOIN jsm_users AS u ON = a.checked_out WHERE a.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt GROUP BY
Don't know if help. Any idea?