248 Posts
8 years ago

Hi, I completed the installation and configuration of latest Seblod 3.8.4 creating a new content type "myUser" from User to handle user registration.

Even if the Auto Email is set to YES in the CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User plugin, the new user does not get any confirmation email to activate the account. The administrator does receive the notification of a new user, so the email function is working.

Then I added an Email field to the form to explicitly trigger the email but the email to the user still does not arrive. I made many tests and the behavior is very strange:

  • if I fill the "To" field with an explicit address, the "To (fields)" field with user_email and select the site admin in the "To (Administrator)" => none of the 3 receiver get any email.
  • if I remove the explicit address in the "To" field, then... just the administrator receives the email, and in the header you can read also the other email (user_mail) but the email to him actually is NOT sent.

This problem is very serious since now user registration is not working anymore (after installation of Seblod). I found a thread in the forum with a similar problem of email field not working (Email field not working in Seblod 3.6) but I think related to a template, and here the Email is not working in the backend as well (setting to always send email and editing a user, no email is sent).

Can anyone please give me some suggestion?

Thanks a lot


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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


check that your email field is configured according to this guide:

248 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Unfortunately it seems so, I check multiple times and it is quite easy to configure: you can see here email setup. Editing/creating a new content item does not make the email to be sent to user_email. Also the fact that it actually appears in the header of the email sent to the admin (the only one that is sent but if there are no other receiver....) makes me think of a problem in the email field behavior..?

thanks Klas for your support, I need to have registration work again soon after Seblod configuration...



4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3


what kind of field is user_email? text? in which form is email entered, just plain abc@cde.com ?

248 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

it is the usual user email field, I took it from the User content type, so yes, it's text


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

perhaps a stupid question - did you remember to set new content type in the seblod configuration as the one handling users (integration->joomla user?)

248 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Yes... it's two days that I am trying to understand why it does not work but no clue so far.

The email is sent just to the selected Administrator but not to registering user (To (field) = user_email). The strange thing is that if I put #user_email# in the body of the mail and it appears in the header of the mail received by the admin, but actually the second mail (the one to the user) is not sent.....

what to check to debug...? I am not using the user bridge, but the confirmation mail should work as well with the email field.. no?

thanks a lot for your support


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


without the bridge you have auto email option, that will send emails as configured in Joomla. For custom email, judging by this tutorials, you have to use bridge mode:



248 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi, after another day of investigation based on your feedback (the Joomla standard notification should work), I solved by changing email sender from "PHP mail" to "sendmail" in Joomla settings! Don't know which is the problem, but now it finally works.

I found that with Seblod installed, the mail notification to the admin that there is a new registered user has an empty subject, while without Seblod the notification mail does have a subject in the form "Account details for [username] at [sitename]". Maybe a little bug?

cheers and thanks again


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