83 Posts
CAF St Brieuc
8 years ago


Is it possible to send a email with a fieldx transfer file  ?

I try but only the last file is sent.

Thanks, best regards

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


I tried and I could not get any file from field x sent if I added fieldx name to the Attachement(fields) field, I think it is related to this problem:


83 Posts
CAF St Brieuc
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klass

I don't know if it's the same problem !

With JDump I explore the $config :

the transfer file is : document_pj

the fieldx file is : document_pjx

I receive well the last file attachment, only the last one !

Best regards

[array] post

  • [string] 7530693befc149db213fce2b7badcfad = "1"
  • [string] art_access = "9"
  • [string] art_alias = ""
  • [string] art_catid = "37"
  • [string] art_featured = "1"
  • [string] art_publish_down = ""
  • [string] art_publish_down_hidden = ""
  • [string] art_publish_up = ""
  • [string] art_publish_up_hidden = ""
  • [string] art_state = "1"
  • [string] art_title = "Test 10"
  • [array] config
    • [string] id = "0"
    • [string] itemId = "306"
    • [string] skip = "0"
    • [string] stage = "-1"
    • [string] tmpl = ""
    • [string] type = "document"
    • [string] unique = "seblod_form_document"
    • [string] url = "***/administration-caf221/caf221-documentation.html"
  • [string] doc_message = "Test 10 message qui ne sera pas dans le mail"
  • [string] document_choix_envoi_email = ""
  • [string] document_commission_liste_titre = ""
  • [string] document_controle_acces = "9"
  • [string] document_controle_access_public = "7"
  • [string] document_date_pour_tri = ""
  • [string] document_date_reunion_format = ""
  • [string] document_date_reunion_hidden = ""
  • [string] document_envoicourriel = ""
  • [string] document_expediteur_mail = "********"
  • [string] document_expediteur_nom_mail = "EDDA II - Caf des Côtes d'Armor"
  • [string] document_groupe_autres = "56"
  • [string] document_groupe_suppleant = "54"
  • [string] document_groupe_titulaires = "53"
  • [string] document_joindre_pj = "1"
  • [string] document_liste_des_emails = ""
  • [string] document_liste_site = "CAF221"
  • [string] document_mailling_groupe = "1"
  • [string] document_message_mail = "Test 10 message qui sera dans le mail"
  • [array] document_pjx_hidden
    • [string] 0 = ""
    • [string] 1 = ""

[array] process [array] afterStore

  • [stdClass object] 0
    • Properties
      • [string] group = "cck_field"
      • [array] params
        • [integer] array_x = 0
        • [string] content_folder = "1"
        • [string] field_name = "document_pjx"
        • [string] field_type = "upload_file"
        • [string] file_name = "search-engine-optimization-starter-guide-fr.pdf"
        • [string] file_path = "documents-telecharges/"
        • [string] file_title = ""
        • [string] forbidden_ext = "0"
        • [array] options2
        • [string] parent_name = "document_pjx"
        • [string] storage = "custom"
        • [string] storage_field = "document_pjx"
        • [string] storage_field2 = "document_pj"
        • [string] storage_table = "#__cck_store_form_document"
        • [string] tmp_name = "***/prod/tmp/phpnYa85i"
        • [string] true_name = "document_pj"
        • [null] value
        • [integer] xi = 0
      • [string] type = "upload_file"
  • [stdClass object] 1
    • Properties
      • [string] group = "cck_field"
      • [array] params
        • [integer] array_x = 0
        • [string] content_folder = "1"
        • [string] field_name = "document_pjx"
        • [string] field_type = "upload_file"
        • [string] file_name = "delegation_de_vote.pdf"
        • [string] file_path = "documents-telecharges/"
        • [string] file_title = ""
        • [string] forbidden_ext = "0"
        • [array] options2
        • [string] parent_name = "document_pjx"
        • [string] storage = "custom"
        • [string] storage_field = "document_pjx"
        • [string] storage_field2 = "document_pj"
        • [string] storage_table = "#__cck_store_form_document"
        • [string] tmp_name = "***/prod/tmp/phpnqj1hu"
        • [string] true_name = "document_pj"
        •  [null] value
        • [integer] xi = 1
      • [string] type = "upload_file"

  • Properties
    • [string] group = "cck_field"
    • [array] params
      • [string] bcc = "0"
      • [string] bcc_param = ""
      • [string] cc = "0"
      • [string] cc_param = ""
      • [array] dest = (empty)
      • [string] format = "1"
      • [string] from = "3"
      • [string] from_name = "3"
      • [string] from_name_param = "document_expediteur_nom_mail"
      • [string] from_param = "document_expediteur_mail"
      • [integer] isNew = 1
      • [string] message = "

        Mesdames & Messieurs les Administrateurs,

        Un document vient d'être ajouté ou modifié.


        Sujet : #art_title#

        Message :


        Si c'est une réunion / invitation :..." (Length = 1223)

      • [string] moreattach = "document_pjx"
      • [string] moredest = "document_liste_des_emails"
      • [string] name = "document_envoicourriel"
      • [string] new_message = ""
      • [string] send_attach = "1"
      • [string] send_field = "document_choix_envoi_email"
      • [integer] sender = 0
      • [string] subject = "EDDA-#document_liste_site# : #art_title#"
      • [integer] valid = 1
    • [string] type = "email"
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