10 years ago

Hello everyone,
I have a pertinent question :/
Contextualizing: on my website I have a form made from SEBLOD where image uploads are done. video, pdf ....
As you know, data on these files are placed in introtext, and I need show-them (on all items of the user) to the user and if the user is logged in, he can download.
In short, a user accesses any article that has (or not) attached files and displays all files of the same author of that type, eg, article type "Product" has the "catalog" added, then any files type article "Product" the utiliador can see all files by this author catalog type.

Thanks for listening,
best regards

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi BN,

You should be able to create a Search & List Type based on product, user, and files.  For the files, instead of using the image/video/pdf, use html option for the typography.  

Have a look at this post.

hope that helps,


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