9 years ago


i am a new user on Seblod , i try to add a custom field in the article objet for test .

But ... how remove this field ?? I dont find the procedure 

It's certaineley very simple ... but ... i cant do it 

Many thanks



Pour ceux qui ne comprendraient pas mon pseudo "anglais" , désolé je suis francophone :-)

Je suis un nouvel utilisateur de Seblod, j'ai essayé pour test d'ajouter un champ aux articles.

Mais comment faire pour le supprimer ... je ne trouve pas bouton "supprimer" ou un glisser/ déposer sur une corbeille, ou autre ...

C'est certainement très simple, mais je n'y arrive pas 

Merci d'avance


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175 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

You have to think of SEBLOD field as an object that is connected to a column in the database. So you have to delete the seblod field in Fields (just select a checkbox near the field name and click on Delete), and also to delete the column in the database. In the case the field is mapped to introtext or some of already existing joomla fields, you do not need to bother with the database. Also, I would recommend removing the field from the form before deleting, that could avoid you some errors later.

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