41 Posts
7 years ago

1. create content with Object Free

2. Add field as Text where Storage = Free and parametr is MyTableName and field MyFieldName

3. Create new item of my content type.

4. I see Error message after save and close, however i find record of my data in base

5. confirm save data is right.

What is Error messages? where to look to understand a cause of error? 

Joomla! 3.7.2 + Seblod 3

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


first update Joomla and Seblod to latest versions, Free object handling has been improved a lot in latest versions.

41 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

hi! thanks for the answer.

i setup new joomla 3.8.2 + last seblod 3.15

the former mistake remained. I have conducted one more experiment in which content of type has changed storage type. And even in content type free of the field based on article addition leads to a mistake. 

Though I think that it is a seblod error. What do you think about it?

But then to me it isn't clear at all how to use the free type? 

And the question was divided: 

1. content free type (I want to create independent type for the countries and the cities) 

2. and the field storage:free (I want to create the system of multi tags and multicategories)

59 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Hello Jukov,

Like errormessage says - in your table index field (id) is missing. You have to define an index in each table.

See this video please: 


41 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

many thanks!!!

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