85 Posts
9 years ago

I'm trying to relate content with a live search in a list-view. I have a content-type PROJECTS and in these content-type i use a dynamic select list for CLIENTS.

CLIENT is a Content-Type too. 

In content-view of my PROJECTS i want to load a menu-position with related PROJECTS from same CLIENT.

The List-Type i use for these related PROJECTS has the select-dynamic field in construction in search-form.

now i configured the Live-Value like...

 (2) -> Live - Variable -> Integer -> in Field Variable i entered the name of my CLIENT select-dynamic field.

Problem is the results are not filtered. When i enter the id of a client in "Default Value" when configuring the Live Search, the results get filtered.
Same when i add "?client=xx" to my Page-Url. Everything is filtered fine. 

It seems the Content-Type doesnt give the Variable to the loaded list-type in module. So how do i get it?

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154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

It sounds like you may need this :


31 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

now i configured the Live-Value like...

(2) -> Live - Variable -> Integer -> in Field Variable i entered the name of my CLIENT select-dynamic field.

> You can't. Check this: http://www.seblod.com/resources/manuals/intermediate/playing-with-live-values


  • Variable: option Value: com_content
  • Variable: view Value: article
  • Variable: id Value: 10
  • Variable: catid Value: 2
  • Variable: Itemid Value: 101

This is the supported live value you can play with.

The easiest way is to do with the simon live value product (in the WebOne comment below).

85 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Thanks for your answers. The SD Live CCK Field works as expectetd. But now i have "Error: Oops! Template Init. failed.. ; ( " in top of my content type view.

All fields are rendered correctly. Nothing is missing. Where is this error message coming from?

Another question: is it possible to exclude the current id of the content-type in related items? The related items from same CLIENT are loaded in list. But the current item active is showed , too. So i want to load all items from same CLIENT except the current item i'm viewing.

31 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

s it possible to exclude the current id

> yes, make a new field in your search, call it .. test current id .. or whatever. type : text, save it in STANDARD / ARTICLE / id

or easier, use the joomla default field : Article ID.

Then option 2 > live value. URL > Variable : integer ... and put "id" in the value field.

Then option 3 > different


Thanks for your answers. The SD Live CCK Field works as expectetd. But now i have "Error: Oops! Template Init. failed.. ; ( " in top of my content type view.


Same here when I want to use it on items that are the same content type of the main content. I mean :

[full content view(content type = mycontenttype)] [related item1(content type = mycontenttype)][related item2(content type = mycontenttype)]


It works nicely if I want to put related items that are different content type (like main contant 'author', related items: 'books')

If I want to display 

main contant 'author' with a field that say 'fanstastic', and have related items: 'author' with live value (with the simon' CCK live) on this field, I'll have the same error "Oops template Ini..."

85 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Thanks, exclude items with same ID works (3: Match+Stage is called "Exclusion: Not equal").

Mmh...ist this problem with field SD Live a bug? Shouldnt we tell Simon Dowdles about it? I wrote a message on plugin page.

31 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

I think it is missing in his plugin, don't know if it's because of seblod / joomla version updated. I tried with Joomla 3.3.6; same.

Good if you wrote a comment there, I'll do it too.

I found another way to achieve this but it's not sexy.

in the "intro" view, option 2, link > view, then option. 

Below, custom variable => anameyouwant=cck->getValue('yourfield_you_need_to_get_in_live_value')

then in your search, option 2, live value > url > variable > string > yourfield_you_need_to_get_in_live_value

... It's not sexy at all, as your link will add /content_alias?anameyouwant=yourfield_you_need_to_get_in_live_value

..but it works. I don't like this solution, I'd like the simon's plugin to do the job :D

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