54 Posts
8 years ago

How can I have email notifications delivered to different addresses base on certain field values?

For instance, if option1 is chosen in fieldA, then send notification to emailA.

I've tried to enable and disable different instances of the Email field using conditional states, but with no success.

The method described in this thread almost does it for me, however it seems to work with one email address only.

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I just tried and the following works fine:

  • select simple with options a and b
  • email a with conditional: is enabled when select is equal a
  • email b with conditional: is enabled when select is equal b

If I select option a email a is sent, if b, email b is sent.

One note: you should put those email field in hidden position, not set them as hidden variation, there are some problems with hidden fields and conditionals, at least they used to be..

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