10 years ago


can somebody tell me, where i make the mistake?

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi bienenberl,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forum.

Please take a moment to review the documentation in the Manuals section.It would also be helpful for you to be familiar with the SEBLOD storage methodology in this tutorial and videos.

The problem is probably due to your storage settings.  In most cases, Standard should be used and not Custom.



10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Randy,

thank you for the info. I have searched in all of your sources. For about 2 hours today. But without success.

So i am sorry to ask you again for help. I try to attach the 3 fields to this post.

best regards


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi Robert,

Why are you using the Custom storage option?

Have you reviewed this tutorial?  In 99.99999% of the cases Standard should be used.  It appears that you are setting the majority of your fields using Custom Storage.

But do not confuse the Storage with your Computations as they are two totally different things.  It appears that your computations are correct.

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 4

Hi randy,

Now it works! Thank you for your patience!

best regards


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5

Hi Rob,

Awesome!  Glad you got it working!

Another thing I find that using the concatenate field for, is to set the title of my content types.  The storage for that is like:

Standard | Article | title

Its a very useful field - I'm sure you can find all kinds of uses for it!



10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Randy,

i have another question. Is it possible to calculate and concatenate only with Text in on field? I would save a lot of work. ;-)

For example i get the speed in fps. Now i have to convert to km/h. At the moment i have a field for input, a field for calculate the conversion, a third field for the fix text km/h, then i concatenate in a further field the calculated km/h and the text km/h out of the third field. I want to list both. So i have to add a field for the text fps and another for concatenate input and fps.

At the end i have 6 fields for output 2 values. I have done this to 3 different values and it worked well. Then i wanted to do this for 4 further values. Although I recognized the fields are identical, the fields have not been calculated. Is there al limit for calculated fields?

best regards


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2


you need http://www.seblod.com/products/1854 - with onBeforeRender even you can change value of the field that is in array "$fields" using php, like 

$fields['my_field']->value = $fields['my_field']->value * 5 ;

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