116 Posts
10 years ago

I think the extensions available for purchase lack documentation and the description is often rather if not completely cryptic. Often times I feel that they are machine-translated from French which makes them difficult to understand.

I have taken my chances multiple times by purchasing anyway but I have to say that in the majority of cases the extensions did not do what I was expecting or had restrictions that were making them useless to solve my specific problem.

Sometimes, like the address geo-coding plugin they stop working (apparently after a Joomla minor upgrade) and are never updated.

I'm started to feel a bit frustrated.

I'm grateful to the Seblod team for making it available for free and I'm happy to purchase add-ons but when I do so I expect a minimum of support and I have the feeling that I'm not the only one in that case.

I also feel that the lack of reviews in the extensions is also rather telling. And when there is one review I'm starting to suspect that it's a bit phony.

So please make the description clear and do not omit any restrictions.

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Xav,

As one of the new members of the Octopoos team, I can tell you that we are working on new documentation, complete descriptions, good examples and better support.  Issues are being address and new features are being added to SEBLOD... 

So, everyone is very busy working on improvements in all areas.


116 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

I'm sure you are busy and I trust we will get awesome features in the next versions of Seblod but it's a bit frustrating to know that you have a very powerful product to play with but not the instructions.

Anyway that was my rant of the day.


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi X,

Nothing wrong with a good rant!  You make some valid points. If SEBLOD is going to be the best CCK on the block, we need to acknowledge and fix the problems.  The good thing is, Octopoos is making the necessary investments and has a good vision for the future.  The hard part is getting there...


10 years ago
Level 4

Speaking of documentation, I am still looking for a solution the the actual syntax of the usage of the CCK or and other field where you use a free query, espesially, how to plugin values from fields in the current form into the CCK field's free query. I have a project hanging on this one, so any pointing in the right direction will help me. Thanks

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