Hi _jrmo, thanks for answer.
I'm using a lot of custom
variables to display related content inside list modules. For example I
have three content types "Exhibition" ,"museum" and "paints".
Exhibitions has a related museum field (the id of one museum article),
Paints has a related museum field and an exhibition related field. I
have a search type "A" to list all my exhibition where every item has in
the link -> view configuration to send a custom variable "museum_id"
to the URL when it is displayed. Then I have a search type "B" for
"museums" and a list module to dipslay the results in a top position,
above joomla content view. If I'm seeing an exhibition this module
displays the Museum name and has a link to the museum content view using
the live variable -> url -> "museum_id". I also have a search
type "C" for "paints" and a list module to display the results below the
exhibition content. This module show a grid of "paints" related to the
exhibition using the live variable "id", this items links have to catch
the custom variable uri = "museum_id" so when the "paint" content view
is diplayed the module for the search type "B" could display the related
"museum" name. The problem is when the "paint" content view is opened
from the related module, the URI doesn't write the custom variable
"museum_id". this problem is only when the items is in a module.
have had this problem for several months now, and tried many ways but I
can´t find a solution, so I thought that maybe if I could write the
custom uri variable when any content view is displayed (something like
the default article id variable) I wouldnt need to struggle width the
items links and from where are they coming (modules or not modules..)
similar problem has to be width the url paths, when an item from a list
type is in a module the link-> view-> menu item doesn't work, no
matter what you set in the configuration the item opens in the "inherit"
item menu. I tried to explain this problems here
but I think I dind't explain them well.
Any help will be great