Sorry, it's difficult to explain...
I'll try to explain better. In content type form I was created a field that is a checkbox type. In here, I put manually the option what I want to show (School 1, School 2, School 3). In form the user can select one, two, three, (all) schools if he want. This field is saved in database as a list, for example: project_schools = School 1, School 2.
Now, in search form, I can put a filter that allow user search projects by involved schools. Then, I want a field "select simple" that shows all possible schools for user select only one school. The way I know to do this is using the same field that I created in form content type and put this field in search form.
I don't really need a separate table with schools, given that I put it manually in the form. You suggested using select dynamic, that needs a table. Then, I use a database admin to create table manually with schools name. But using this does not exist a connection between content type and search form.
Sorry for long text, I hope I've explained well. =)