11 years ago

Hi everyone,

i just started with the SEBLOD Version 3.1.3 and must say: "It is a pleasure to see how the 3 version runs!" – congratulations to whole seblod team!

On my little site, i can't solve a problem with the Captcha/Recaptcha-plugin: It works fine, except on a smartphone in portrait mode the captcha picture is too wide, cutting away a part of the second word in the picture. My attempts to reduce the captcha size all failed.

The 2 pictures might explain my problem better: smartphone in landscape mode (that looks fine) and with cutted captcha-pic:  smartphone in portrait mode

Could anybody help me with that problem? I feel like i miss something, there must be a way with this incredibly convincing software…

Thank You Seblod Team, Thank You Very Much!

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11 years ago
Level 1


try another free bootstrap responsive template and see if same problems happens.

11 years ago
Level 2

Hi fredee, thanks for the idea.

I changed the template from »Protostar« to »Beez3« – but still the same problem with the captcha image in portrait mode on smartphones…

Any other ideas? – Who knows where the CSS for the Captcha elements is stored?

The Code of Captcha on the html page is inside this div: <div id="recaptcha_image" style="width: 300px; height: 57px;">…

My question is: »Where can i change the width: 300px?«


OK, after thinking about it some more, i came to this Conclusion:

  • 300px width for the Captcha-picture seems to be a »must be«. And that makes sense because the letters in the picture are hard to read anyhow. So the picture needs 300px width for a minimum of quality.
  • On a smartphone in portrait mode the 300px is only possible with no margins left and right. Therefore i will have to rethink my actual layout .

But still, i feel like the capture picture has maybe 30px white space on the left and right side (inside the picture). If i could get that space i would be happy.
No suggestions? – Thank You for any help, peter.

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