11 years ago


Can you do a search (list) on a fieldX  ? If so, how please ?

(Sorry, it's google translate)

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Jeromehej,

Yes, you can search in a fieldX such as in a GroupX.

Some limitation if it concern data with specific format such as date (calendar field).

Insert in your search form the field which is repeated by the fieldX, click on button 3 (Match). click on the "+" button near the match selection for your field and select your fieldX field in the dropdown.


11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Bes,

thank you but it does not work.

You will find at the link below settings of my test FieldX and you can also try my search list.

What should I do please?

Link to my test

(Google translate)

11 years ago
Level 3

Bonsoir Jerome,

Thanks for your complete feedback.

So just change the match. You can not use "permissive" match here on your select field in your search type, because all the values are the common term "Choix". If you use "permissive" match SEBLOD is searching "Choix" or "1" (2 or 3), so all "Choix" is always tru, all results are return.

Try "Exact" here. Which in 99% always the case for a select field.

To avoid any issue I advise you to use in all "select" fields such as simple dropdown, checkboxes the syntax text=value.

Replace your first dropdown field value by "Choix 1=choix1" (or Choix1=1). In this case you use "Any World Exact" match too because your value is a unique world (no space).


11 years ago
Level 4

Hi Bes,

I followed your instructions but the list is not filtered.

I have the same issue with a dynamic list.

Thank you by advance for your help.


11 years ago
Level 1


I completed my article about my test by adding a link (at the end) to the article about the dynamic field.

And I have the same problem with dynamic field : the list does not filter.

Help me please.


(google translate)

11 years ago
Level 1

For hours I tested. But Filter does not work on my FieldX and my GroupX.

No solution, I'll have to give. I spend too many hours without finding a solution. Damage. I wanted to make tutorials for Seblod.

(google translate)

11 years ago
Level 1


Je crois bien que je vais laisser tomber l'utilisation des champx et groupx qui sont bien pratiques. En effet, je reste sans réponse à mon problème de recherche dans des champx et groupx, ce malgré mes tests et mes questions sur le forum.

C'est bien dommage.


332 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


Did you manage to solve this? 

10 years ago
Level 2

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