143 Posts
10 years ago


I have a first form with users info :

First Name | Last Name | Address

I have a second form For book renting :

Name of book (related to Book) | Date | Name of customer (Related to User above)

How could I have a field in wich I can begin typing the name of user and a choice of name appear ?

Hope the question is clear enough ? :-)

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

You can use Select dynamic for Name of customer and set it to use database table of your first content type to load options, if your storage is standard - article, this would be #__cck_store_form_YOURCONTENTYPENAME, if not see bellow tutorial for info which table you need to look at

143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

and thank you for answering ...

The tip you give me here work so I have a select box now where i can find my customers. 

But I can't write in that box. What i wanted is when I begin to type then appear a choice of name. 

I.E. : I type "J" and appear "John",- "Jim" and "James" then I type "i" and only Jim appear... See what I mean ?

Any tip for that ?

Thanks by advance...

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3


there is a certain limit regarding number of options, when this search option is activated, I think this is set to 10 by default. If you have more than 10 options it should work.

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Stef,

I'm uderstand your need. We can do that by devoloping a new "CCK Field Plugin". This plugin can use a javascript animation like that "http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/".

If you want, we can develop this plugin for you during a support session. Just let us know.


143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi,

OK i keep that in mind :-)  will tell you when..; Tks.

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