11 years ago


I have built a public access form that includes an article state field which needs to default to unpublished upon submit. 

I don't want this field available to the public as the form needs to be published by another user at a later time. I'm aware you can hide the field but this would also hide it from the publishing user. 

So I have created an access level and applied this to the field so only users which have that access level can see/edit the article state field to publish it. 

However, although this works every time no problem without the field having an access level applied to it as soon as I apply the access level to the field it will not default to unpublished it defaults to published even with the default live value set to 0 and the field default value set to 0. If I remove the access on the field ie put it back to public the field will successfully default to unpublished. As soon as I put it back to the other access level it defaults to published. 


Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1


Having looked further into the posts I found the solution. You hide the form Article State field which also needs to default to unpublished. You create another Article State simple field which picks up the SEBLOD default store of 'state'. You need to set the 'options' fields ie Published=1 and Unpublished=0 and give admin access level using the 4 button. 

This way the article form defaults to unpublished at the public front end but when admin logs and edits the form they can see the additional article state field which they can then change from Unpublished to published.


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