1283 Posts
9 years ago

Hi folks

I think there is a bug with [Article Category Id (JForm Category)]

It all seems fine in the back end, but on front end forms the select list does not have any options and the article does not get assigned to any category.

If you make the field have [value] for the "variation' column then the category shows and it gets assigned properly, however, I assume that is not the only way it should work..




Salut les gars 

Je pense qu'il ya un bug avec [ Article Catégorie Id ( JForm catégorie) ] 

Tout semble très bien dans l'extrémité arrière , mais sur les formes frontaux la liste de sélection n'a pas toutes les options et l'article ne soit pas attribué à une catégorie . 

Si vous faites le domaine ont [ valeur] pour la colonne « variation» , puis la catégorie des spectacles et il est attribué, correctement, cependant, je suppose que ce est pas la seule façon dont il devrait fonctionner ... 

Merci Jon

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1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Not bug (I said bug as I didn't know what else to call it)

It is to do with permissions.

When I have the answer I will post back unless someone else has some ideas on how to give public the ability to select desired category?

116 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Hi Jon, 

Even though this topic is old I just started to experience the same issue on an up-to-date site. 

Thank you for the trick (Variation = Value) It allowed me to fix my site. Interestingly there was no problem with the category field for 5 years (since 2014)

Since then I have upgraded the site multiple times without issues. Recently I upgraded to Joomla 3.9.2 and Seblod 3.17.2 and that's wehn I started having the problem. 

It is related to permissions, I'm convinced of it however I haven't found out what the exact issue is. Super users do have access to the category values (and can populate it and save) in both Front-End and Back-End. However Registered users who can also create my content type are not able to view (or save) the categories unless I use your variation = values and put a default value (which in my case is not an issue as I have one category per content type) 

It started happening for one content type. The other content types  don't seem impacted. 

Help appreciated. 

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2


I jusr use select dynamic now, and try to avoid using the ‘Joomla’ fields altogether...

more control that way

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