First, thank you for Seblod : It's a very good tool !
My problem is this : I've got a Content type based on article and there is 3 field which I create :
- Subject : It's a simple select field with Subject1, Subject2
- Option : It's a simple select field with options : A. Private B. Public (private means that all user a group can see the content)
- User group : A simple text field which contain the user group ID
In my website, there is few user group and so special access: Group1, Group2, Group3
what I want is that Group1 can access to Subject1 and Subject2, Group2 only to Subject1 and Group3 only to Subject2.
so I created these categories :
- Subject1
- common (for Group1 and Group2 when the article option is public)
- group1 (for group1 when the article option is private)
- group2 (for group2 when the article option is private)
- Subject2
- common (group1 & group2 when article option=public)
- group1 (group1, private)
- group3 (groupe3, private)
So what I want is that seblod calculate the category and the joomla access of the content according to the three files which I created.
How can I do ?
Thank you in advance for your answer !
Best regards!