203 Posts
10 years ago

Hi sebloders, some months agò I used "art_created_by" field to put his value in a new field and for use it for my need.

I had not problem, using joomla 3.x and seblod 3.x

Now, I try again with the same options in a form that is installed in joomla 2.5 and seblod 3.x(last version).

Incredible, it does not work. Is possible that joomla version is not compatible with "art_created_by" field ?

When I do login, system find username, I see username, then I want use this value by conditional field option 5 in creation form :

ie: is filled by > art_created_by #form#............... namefield > is empty.....  but his value is blank.

Why ? Is there anyone that have any idea ? Help me, please.

Best regards, Louis

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175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hello Luigi!

Internally, Joomla (and hence so does SEBLOD) represents the user via user id (user_id in seblod), and the username is "calculated" from it.

Have a look at Author plugin/field for more control over creator data.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Louis,

as webcastor wrote, what you are probably missing is that art_created_by needs to have live value -> User -> id assigned, otherwise value will be empty - field itself is just a list of users, you need to give it a value.

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Alex and Klas, I am going to download plugin, meantime I wrote in my topic that I use often with success this field (art_created_by). Unfortunately I want use it again for joomla 2.5 but I had problem. Many thanks for your reply. It has been very appreciate. Best regards, Louis 

572 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi louispapera,

I don't fully understand your problem, but in the past when I've had troubles with certain jForm fields, I've created another field with identical storage to the jForm field in order to store the required value (so I add this field to my Site Form), and then I use the jForm field only to display the information (in a Content View or List Item View, for example).

That might help you..


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