10 years ago
I've started to use the SEBLOD and looks like I did what I want, but I broke something.

After creating the article from the menu of the web-site the "Created by" field is empty and "Date" field is wrong.
But if I'm using it from admin panel - it work fine.
How can I check and fix this problem?
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10 years ago
Level 1

did you include all fields from the Admin form in the Site form?
10 years ago
Level 2
During the weekend I found a solution...
In the site form was missing the "Article Grp Publishing" set of fields. After I've added them - everything is ok.
How can I edit the fields inside this "Article Grp Publishing"?

And also I have another question.... How can I combine the fields into the one MySQL cell?
For example, I have two fields "Field A" and "Field B"... I want to add them into the same MySQL cell "Field A Field B"
Is it possible?
10 years ago
Level 1

glad you sorted this one out.

To store multiple values in one DB field you can set the storage options to "Custom" and then choose the DB field to store. They then get stored in JSON format there.

Storage options in Seblod are quite complex. I recommend watching James Morrell's excellent video on storage and reading through the documentation here.
Viktor Iwan also made good videos on that subject. He explains very well were your data gets stored in the DB depending on different storage types. They were made for Seblod V2 but still apply for V3.

This is quite basic knowledge that will help you a lot in understanding and utilizing Seblod.
10 years ago
Level 1
Solved. I've chose "All App Folders" in place of "Article" in the top right corner of the "Site Form" - "Fields" settings. And then I did set necessary fields and buttons.
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