51 Posts
9 years ago

I am using custom storage fields in store_item_users in the user admin form view. 

[This is becasue we are doing some custom data updates with bespoke user account work and storing them here as users fields information)

This works fine except the admin form wont read my custom text fields or custom date fields. They are just blank. VARCHAR and INT fields will read and write fine. Is this just a SEBLOD limitation? Surely not. The fields in question have all been created without padlock on which is what usually denotes their storage in '#_store_item_users" table.

Any ideas?

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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Alan,

Can you add a screenshot of your storage setup on your fields please? I'm concerned you are using "Custom" storage formatting incorrectly. 



51 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi James,

thanks for the reply.  Its just the simplest things sometimes when someone else prompts you thats enough to see the wood for the trees :)

I had created the fields as separate / reusable but stored as custom. I switched to standard and looks like i am good to go now!


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