SEBLOD 3.17.x
Moving & Looking Forward!
Today, we are glad to announce the availability of SEBLOD 3.17.4.

The key improvement of this release is related to the infinite pagination.
While it was working fine on a List view or using a List field with no dynamic value, a piece of the puzzle was missing for List fields retrieving values from the caller item. SEBLOD 3.17.4 brings the ability to keep the context, and the infinite pagination should work fine now in that case.
And it brings a few minor fixes as well, cf changelog.

We also released the following updates on our Store.

Updated Add-ons: Updated Plug-ins:
What's next?
As you may know since our last post (if not, feel free to have a look), we started to work on our next major release: SEBLOD 4, which will be cleaner, smarter and way better!
We won't publish any roadmap, but you'll find additional/useful details on our "partial" SEBLOD 4 changelog.

We will keep bringing a few minor updates to SEBLOD 3.x, but our main focus is and will be on SEBLOD 4.

Stay tuned.
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