

Please note that: starting February 1st, 2017 this product will not be supported anymore, and it will be removed from the store.

SD Plugins by Simon Dowdles

Templates SD Plugins by Simon Dowdles Free

SD Simple Simon is a drop in replacement content / item template that trims out many unnecessary HTML markup elements

  • Extremely Lean Content / List Template
  • Simple CSS Classing For Easy Position Styling
  • Accepts Position Overrides & Variations
  • Joomla! 3.x

SD Simple Simon - Lightweight Templating

The SD Simple Simon template is a SEBLOD template that you can use to render both content and search / list views. It strips out 99% of the SEBLOD HTML markup that is placed in your articles output. Although the SEBLOD generated HTML markup does in some cases serve a specific purpose, such as for those who want a simple and quick approach to templating, it is often not desired by the SEBLOD power users.

SD Simple Simon follows a simple naming convention, all position div wrappers receive the following CSS class(es):

SdPosition positionName

Where positionName is dynamically replace with the position. So, if you had 4 fields inside the mainbody position, they are wrapped in a

with the following CSS class:

SdPosition mainbody

This allows you a little more control over the styling of individual position containers.

Variations & Position Overrides

SD Simple Simon supports native position overrides and variations much like the standard SEBLOD templates do. This allows you to further enhance the simplicity of the template by overriding positions and rendering value on a field by field basis. If you use SD Simple Simon AND you apply a position override, you have the ability to strip pretty much ALL SEBLOD generated HTML markup from around your fields.

Important Notice

SD Simple Simon template is intended ONLY for content display. Do not use SD Simple Simon to render forms, you WILL get errors and your form will not render. Use the default seb_one template (or other) for forms.


Business Clubs:

  • Lifetime License
  • Unlimited Domains

Single purchase:

  • Free Updates
  • Lifetime License
  • Unlimited Domains






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